Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

I need to finish my Saturday evening before I can move onto Super Bowl Sunday.  Before I went to bed, I enjoyed a Corona Light with a lime which was supposed to be shared with neighbors from the old street.  Oh and can I mention, my sick son with a 103.5 temp decided to run around all day like a crazy man and seem to be just fine...annoying!  But, I'm following that 24 hour rule.  Whatever...

Sunday, February 5

I did wake up and go to the gym first thing.  I rarely go to the gym on the weekends.  Typically, I workout 5 days a week and then rest on the weekend, but I have to say, I looked forward to going and I did have an evening with some good food to look forward to as well.  ALSO, I am feeling awesome and my core is firming up too.  BONUS!  I'm sleeping better and this is HUGE!  I can't believe what only 2 weeks of journaling has done.  I may just keep this up after my 49 days.  Time will tell...

Let me preface...this IS Super Bowl Sunday...OK?

Breakfast:  1 egg and 2 egg white scrambled eggs with spinach and mushrooms topped with cheese.  A piece of toast with margarine and raspberry jam.  2 pieces of turkey bacon and Orange Juice.  Alrighty, I'm doing good here!

Lunch:  Bowl of chili with sour cream and topped with cheese.

Snack:  An orange and I licked the bowl of brownies I made.  AND, I licked the bowl of cream cheese filling too.  I had extra brownie batter and made a cupcake that stared at me for hours until I tossed it in the garbage.  Phew!  I can't believe nobody else wanted it.  And can I just say that my daughter and I are the only ones who seem to have a sweet tooth in the family!  My husband and my son really could care less about chocolate staring at them right in the face!  Seriously?  Who are these people???

Super Bowl Food Frenzy:  Actually, it wasn't that bad at all.  I KNOW I would've eaten more if I wasn't being mindful.  3 buffalo wings, lots of veggies, a bit of hummus, one piece of fried chicken that I took the skin off (I never eat the skin.  OK, well the only skin I eat is the extra crispy chicken from KFC), 4 super yummy corn fritters (I think that's what they were.  They tasted like donuts),and Beets.  For dessert, I intended to only eat the brownies I made with ice cream, but I also indulged in the rice krispie treat that my son barely took a bite out of.  Again, where is his sweet tooth?!  I shouldn't complain, and should just tell him to toss it rather than give it to me to eat.  Too top it off, I drank 2 Coors Lights and a bottled water.

February 6th

Breakfast:  Kashi Go Lean Triple Berry Crumble, Almond Milk, Frozen Blueberries, and Coffee

Lunch:  Subway Turkey and American on Wheat with loads of veggies (6 inch) and a WATER!!!!!

Snack:  Orange (I gave half to my son)

Dinner:  Chili with the sour cream and cheese and skim milk

I hope people are still with me:)  I'm really noticing the benefits of journaling!


  1. Loveit!! Ive been journaling/tracking too (on weight watchers) and lost 3.5 lbs this week. It def makes a difference!!! And how good do u feel about no soda?!?!

  2. I can't believe it how I feel! I'm surprised I'm liking the journaling. Love your weight loss! Nixing the soda has been great. We have a case of it on the back porch and it doesn't even tempt me. :)
