Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Half Marathon Training and Indians

Well, I sure learned my lesson Monday.  I've always said that I'm not kidding when I need to eat.  When I get hungry, I get curt with people, become fidgety, and just plain can't think straight.  My husband usually spots it quickly, and if we're driving, he'll peel off the road to put food in me.  I am the worst hungry person ever!

This week officially starts my 12 weeks of half marathon training.  After a 3 month hiatus from running, I'm ready to get back in the saddle.  Which means in the past I've had the mentality of...I-can-eat-whatever-I-want-since-I'm-back-to-training-again.  This time, I'm going to continue to be mindful of my eating while training.  Who knows...maybe I'll get a PR?  However, I also know that I'll be upping my caloric intake a bit due to calories lost during the running program I follow.  I follow Hal Higdon's novice program, and tweak it just a bit so I actually run an 11 miler instead of just going up to 10.  It's a mind game for me.  I pretty much follow his weekday runs according to his schedule.  Here's a link to his Novice 1 schedule:  The reason I like it is because it's easy to follow.  No bells and whistles attached.

Food Journal

February 14th - Happy Valentine's Day!

Breakfast:  Fruit n' Yogurt Special K Cereal, Frozen Blueberries, Almond Milk, and coffee with the creamer and sugar.

3 mile run

Circuits - 3 times each
Decline bicep curls
calf raises - 1st set heels out, 2nd set heels straight back, 3rd set heels in
push ups

Curtsy lunges
Shoulder "W" raise
Reverse Flys

Cable Machine
Tricep Presses
Back Rows

Plank Rows
Side Planks
Sit indian style and lie down on your back.  Lift your shoulder blades off the floor for crunches.  I would say criss-cross applesauce or pretzal legs, but saying Indian style is how I grew up as politically incorrect as it may be.  My grandpa used to tell us there were Indians in the woods near his farm in Iowa and I believed him.  He would say, "Jill!  Did you see that?  Be quiet 'cause they move with out a sound.  Oh, wait!  I just saw another one!  Did you see that one?" I never saw an Indian.  Therefore, Indian style it is.  It reminds me of my Grandpa.

Total workout time:  70 minutes

Snack:  Plain Greek Yogurt with sliced strawberries and granola;  I'm not a big fan of plain yogurt and the add-ins made it better, but I think I would've added honey in to sweeten it up a bit more.

Lunch:  Pita with ham, cheese, and mustard

Snack:  Ginger Snap Lara Bar

Dinner:  Turkey Meatloaf; corn; spinach salad with strawberries, sunflower seeds, sliced almonds, and creamy balsamic dressing; skim milk; 2 mentos; 2 Almond Pops with blueberries from Costco.

I LOVE this Meatloaf recipe.  Here it is...
1.5 lbs. turkey burger
1 cup oatmeal
1/2 t. salt
2 eggs (I only had 1 and it worked out just fine)
1/4 c. chopped onion
1 cup tomato juice (I only had 3/4 cup and again...just fine)

Mix all of the ingredients together and put in loaf pan.  Bake at 350* for 45-50 minutes.  Slit the top of the baked loaf and add ketchup onto the slits.  Bake an additional 5 minutes.  Enjoy!

The family!!!

February 15

Breakfast:  Kashi Go Lean Triple Berry Crumble; frozen blueberries, almond milk, coffee with the creamer and sugar.

Lunch:  Pita with chicken and cojack cheese; roasted yellow pepper, tomatoes, and onions.  Light olive oil spray and seasoned salt.

Snack:  Apple with peanut butter

Dinner:  Leftover meatloaf and leftover pasta and tomatoes from Wade's meal the other night.  Skim Milk

Until next time...

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