Friday, January 25, 2013

Big lunch = Lighter snacks

So I'm sitting here on a Friday night with a Coors Light and this new cereal I'm trying out - Peanut Butter Puffins. The cereal is low in fat, 110 calories/serving, and only 6 grams of sugar.  It's good.  I found out about Puffins during a facebook thread about someone looking for a "good for you" cereal.  Of course, I shared my usual.  Maybe she'll respond about it tasting good.  We'll see....

BTW...I think I'm 3 servings into this cereal.

Tuesday, January 22nd

Evening Snack:  popcorn

Wednesday, January 23rd Happy Birthday to a couple special people I know!

Breakfast:  I mixed the Kellogg's Special K with berries and the Fruit 'n Yogurt cereals; frozen berries; almond milk; coffee; creamer

Lunch:  1/2 pita with ham and cojack cheese; 1/2 pita with hummus

Afternoon Snack:  Cashew Cookie mini LaraBar; apple

Remember:  The lighter the lunch the heavier the afternoon snack I allow.  Common sense, right?

Another afternoon snack:  A few gluten free bagel chips; hummus

Dinner:  Boy, I've got a great mix of foods here.  I finished off the Turkey chili which was maybe a 1/2 cup, and then I made some organic pomegranate oatmeal and mixed some frozen berries into it.

Water:  Drank throughout the day.

(Still eating Puffins and will put away in a second)

Evening Seminar:  I attended a Detox workshop at our studio this evening.  The detox program is called the Standard Process.  I'm not going to get into it now, because I'm about 90% sure I'm going to do this at about the time I finish this 10 weeks.  The detox lasts 21 days, and if I do it, I'll be sure to keep you all in the loop as I get loopy from detoxing.  Could make for some awesome reading material.

Thursday, January 24th

Breakfast:  I mixed the Kellogg's Special K with berries and the Fruit 'n Yogurt cereals; frozen berries; almond milk; coffee; creamer

Lunch:  Chipotle Chicken Bowl - I love these and will eat one probably 2 or 3 times a year.  I found this website where you can click all of the ingredients added and then it'll give you a calorie count.    Problem is that I had less brown rice, and about a 1/3 of the sour cream they usually put on.  It told me it was 715 calories, but I'd venture to say I was closer to 550.

Lunch:  Apple - See?  Heavier lunch, lighter snack

Dinner:  Leftover Chicken Pot Pie; spinach salad with croutons, tomato, and poppy seed dressing

Desserts:  I say desserts because I tried to make waffles for the kids, and it turned out to be a total screw up mess.  They stick to the waffle iron and WILL NOT come off!  So, they bake on to the waffle iron and make these awesome waffle chips.  I only had a little bit so there's no guilt.  Threw the sucker away today, and splurged at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and got a new one.  Lastly, I did have a Greek yogurt gelato.  Yum!

Evening snack:  popcorn

Drinks:  water throughout the day

Friday, January 25th

Breakfast:  Special K with Berries; thawed out berries cause I put them back in the refrigerator and not the freezer.  UGH!  I seriously considered the thought of a burglar in my home stealing them.  No kidding!; almond milk; coffee; creamer

Lunch:  Dare I say it???  McDonald's - However, I had the Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad with Southwest dressing.  According to the nutrition information, the salad has 290 calories.  I had 1/2 the dressing which added another 50.  Not bad...

Afternoon Snack:  I had this awesome bar called, Zone Perfect Simple Bar in toasted coconut.  I also had an apple.
Yesterday, I taught a TRX Express class after I ate lunch - almost hurled up the Chipotle. Then after the workout, I went to check out Lifestyle Pilates with a friend. Her Pilates instructor, Chrissy, invited me to take a class on the Reformer apparatus.  It was great and I loved it!  She told me it was very introductory, but being new it was a great class.  Afterwards, she had these bars to take for free.  I wanted to eat it so bad, but my rule is heavy lunch, light snack.  I adhered to my rule and ate an apple as you saw above.  But today...I ate a lighter lunch, so I got to try the bar.  Tasty!  Thanks, Chrissy!

Dinner:  For the first time, I prepared roasted brussel sprouts.  They were super easy and so so awesome.  I never thought I'd put awesome and tasty in the same category as brussel sprouts.  I cut off the end and took off any of the outside layers.  I then tossed them in a bowl with olive oil, salt, and pepper.  I laid them on a cookie sheet and baked them at 400 degrees for 30 minutes.  Super easy.  I also had chicken with a light sauce and a spinach salad with tomatoes and poppy seed dressing.

After dinner:  The kids wanted ice cream.  I scooped the ice cream and my daughter wanted some sugar free caramel topping.  Great!  "Sugar-Free!"  So I drizzled the topping on and cleaned off the spoon myself only to see that Splenda is added to it.  UGH!  I've been so good about avoiding artificial sweeteners!  Seriously, dude?  That sucks...

Drink and evening snack:  Coors Light and Puffins!  By the way, they are next to me and the computer, but the box is closed:).

What I would be doing if I wasn't journaling:
  • More chocolate!  More sweets!
  • I'd be baking cookies and eating cookie dough and cookies fresh out of the oven  
  • Secondly, I'd be eating ice cream out of the carton after scooping the kid's bowls 
  • I wouldn't be second guessing myself all of the time
  • I wouldn't be watching my portions as well
What's easier this time around:
  • Planning an eating schedule
  • Not obsessing about it so much
Q: Americans talk about healthy food, but still consume junk. In the past 20 years, consumption of which food or drink is up more: (a) beer; (b) snack foods; or (c) soft drinks?
    A: Snack foods, up 233%; soft drinks up 114%; beer up 100% (U.S. Department of Agriculture).
This doesn't surprise me, sorry to say.

 Q: How many teaspoons of sugar does the average North American consume every day: (a) 9 teaspoons; (b) 19 teaspoons; or (c) 29 teaspoons?
     A: 19, mostly in processed food and beverages.
I've really reduced my consumption of processed food and beverages.  I am far from perfect, but I'm a lot better.

Spotted bananas are sweeter, with a sugar content of more than 20%, compared with 3% in a green banana.
I knew there was a reason I despised spotty bananas!

A study of 19,000 Americans found breakfast skippers are more likely to gain weight because they are more inclined to overcompensate for the loss of key nutrients at breakfast by eating more fat-rich, high-energy foods later in the day.  
You'd be surprised by how many people do not eat breakfast.  I'd die if I didn't eat...

1 comment:

  1. I thought about picking up a box of Puffins as well after reading the same post..I already have special k strawberry, thanks for blogging your meals, I've been getting so bored with my choices lately. :)
