Friday, February 15, 2013

Guilt + Gluttony = Valentine's Day

Monday, February 11th

Breakfast:  Special K with Berries; frozen berries; almond milk; coffee; creamer

Lunch:  3/4 of my seafood 'n crab Subway salad

Run:  Now I know why Jen is so good at what she does.  While I hmmmm'd and hawwww'd about the fact that she wanted to go for a run, she basically said, "Let's go.  30 minutes."  I wasn't on the same wave length, but her "Pressure" got me out there and I did it.  Man, I gotta get going!  I've got a 10k in a couple weeks.

Snack:  The last 1/4 of my salad; mini apple pie larabar

Dinner:  Homemade roasted tomato soup; homemade cheese scone (blah tasting, but I know next time how to make it better; spinach salad with poppyseed dressing and veggies; I also had 4 triscuits with the chicken salad I made.

Dessert:  1 Chocolate Peppermint cookie

Evening Snack:  I made Chocolate Pumpkin Oatmeal mini muffins for the morning boot camp crew.  I've been called out on the fact that I make food for the Monday - Wednesday crew, but often forget about the Tuesday - Thursday crew.'s Fat Tuesday...they get these muffins...however, they are only 35 calories a pop:)  I ate 2 this evening.

Tuesday, February 12th

Breakfast:  Kashi Triple Berry Crumble; frozen berries; almond milk; coffee; creamer

Lunch:  I put the chicken salad on top of 1 whole wheat piece of 35 calorie bread; roasted tomato soup; 1 mini muffin

Have I mentioned that I substituted chicken for the tuna in this salad?  I actually like it better as the tuna salad, but the chicken is great too.

Snack:  Apple with PB2

Dinner: 1/2 Pork Chop; mixed vegetables; brown rice.  I wasn't quite full so I had a few triscuits with the chicken salad; 4 mini muffins (whoops!)

Evening Snack:  popcorn

Wednesday, February 13th (not a day I'm proud of starting after 5pm)

Breakfast:   Kashi Triple Berry Crumble; frozen berries; almond milk; 5oz coffee; creamer

Morning snack:  apple

Lunch:  Chicken salad with triscuits

Snack:  Banana and 1/4 cup of oatmeal made by one of my awesome boot campers.

Snack 1 hour later:  Lots of and the kids had a pistachio party, and I probably should've taken a picture of the mound of shells.

Dinner:  BBQ chicken made in the crock pot; quinoa and brown rice; spinach salad

Dessert:  Only 150 calories, so read carefully...1 graham cracker smothered with 1 serving of PB2 Chocolate.  Then add a sprinking of marshmallows to the top.  This was really good, and I so wanted to make another, but I held off.  Maybe I should've considering what I did later in the evening.

OK, here's where the day fell apart:  I blame it on guilt and Valentine's Day.  Let me just say that first.

My daughter was having a Valentine's Day party at school the next day.  I did not volunteer my time due to work, but also failed to respond to let people know she'd be bringing anything.  This is where the guilt set in. So, I say to myself, "What do I have in the house, that would make a great Valentine's Day treat?"  I go on Pinterest, and find nothing in my cupboards to make any of the amazing treats.  I then google, Honey Nut Cheerio's treats.  Ding, Ding, Ding!!!  I had Cheerio's, butter, and marshmallows.  I make 1/2 the recipe, press it down in a pan, then grab a heart shape cookie cutter and voila!, they are super cute.  And if that's not enough, I was going to dip them in white chocolate that I put red food coloring in.  I reach into the drawer to get my food coloring, and the red is empty.  Who puts an empty container of red food coloring back in the box?  Probably me.  So, I find red sugar and dump a bunch in the white chocolate.  I dip the bottom part of the Cheerio's Treat into the chocolate and done.

Guilt and Gluttony Time:  I ate so much of the Cheerio's treats.  Seriously, I loved this stuff.  Which is why I don't bake or make treats often, especially when I'm food journaling.  Come to think of it, I've made 2 types of muffins and now these all in the span of a week.  Whoa...  The real challenge for many is to just eat a serving and not a smathering of the yummy concoctions.  For example, last night I ate one Girl Scout Samoa Cookie.  I could've had 4, but I had one.  That's the secret!  Stick to a serving, not 1/2 of the box or bag.

Needless to say, my daughter brought them to school, and she said they were awesome!  Yes!  She liked the Honey Nut Cheerio's Treats!  If anything, I had a happy little girl...and a few more calories in my belly:)

Thursday, February 14th - Happy Valentine's Day

Breakfast:  3/4 cup of the Oatmeal; Very small serving of the Kashi Triple Berry Crumble; frozen berries; almond milk; coffee; creamer

Overnight Oatmeal - Compliments of Bonnie and Eating Well

  • 8 cups water
  • 2 cups steel-cut oats (do not subsititute regualr rolled oats)
  • 1/3 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/3 cup dried apricots, chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste

Combine water, oats, dried cranberries, dried apricots and salt in a 5 or 6 quart slow cooker.  Turn heat to low.  Put the lid on and cook until the oats are tender and the porridge is creamy, 7 to 8 hours.

Lunch:  Chicken salad sandwich; apple

Workout:  I'm not feeling 100% so I headed to Y to ride the elliptical for 45 minutes.  While on it, I remember that I need to get my 37 burpees in.  So I ride for 15 minutes, do 13 burpees, ride for another 15, do 12 burpees, then ride the final 15 minutes, then end with the last 12 burpees.  Done, and it felt good!  I often wonder what the Y patrons think of my workouts.  It's much smaller than The Courts, and dropping and doing burpees is probably something not seen often.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

Snack:  Peanut Butter Cookie Luna Bar

My kids came home with hoards of Valentine's candy.  Not even interested in this stuff since it's pure sugar.  Now if it's chocolate, that's a whole new story.  HA!  Just saying...

Dinner:  My family went to Armand's for dinner.  I skipped the bread (good, girl); ate fried calamari (the kids also loved); ate a side salad with blue cheese dressing on the side, and you should've seen the vat of blue cheese they gave me.  Seriously, people, I'm not going to eat a 1/3 cup of this stuff; I ate 1/2 of the stuffed chicken with spinach and roasted red peppers and cheese on the top; 1/2 of the mashed potatoes; and mixed vegetables; 1 Corona Light beer.
It was good!  Glad I ate 1/2 of the chicken, because this was a large meal.

Dessert:  One Girl Scout Samoa awesome, but this little morsal is 75 calories.  It'll take me weeks to eat all of these cookies.

Friday, February 15th

Breakfast:  Kashi Triple Berry Crumble; frozen berries; almond milk; coffee; creamer

Lunch:  Better 'n Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jam Sandwich; Better 'n Peanut Butter is only 100 calories a serving versus Jif Peanut Butter at 190 calories.  I admit it's not as good, but not bad when paired with the jam.

Snack:  Apple Cinnamon Chobani Greek Yogurt with Kashi Triple Berry Crumble Cereal mixed in it.  Total of 230 calories.  Remember, light lunch allows you to have a heavier snack.

Dinner:  I'll get back to you on the dinner.  The plan is homemade pizza and salad.  To be continued...

Below are two links about High Intensity Interval Training, aka HITT.  Now, I personally won't do 30 straight minutes of  HITT Training, but I will incorporate this type of training in my own workouts or workouts with personal training clients or groups.  More bang for your buck...and you won't need to spend 1+ hours at the gym.  We are busy people.  Who has time to be in a gym for 2 hours?

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