Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Vacationing and Food Journaling - Interesting Combo

Finishing off Saturday, March 10th

Dinner:  Turkey burger on a bun with tomato, lettuce, onion, and ketchup;  3 bean salad; potato salad and water

I crashed from the all night driving and slept soundly through the night not long after dinner.

Sunday, March 11th

Breakfast:  Special K, fresh blueberries, almond milk; coffee with creamer and sugar

Lunch:  Ham 'n cheese sandwich with a little miracle whip and a little mustard.

Snack:  Pecan Pie Lara Bar and dried pears

Appetizer before dinner:  Tastefully Simple Key Lime Pie Cheese Ball and their awesome graham cracker pretzals.  I ate entirely too much, but it was so good!

Dinner:  Grilled barbequed chicken breast; veggie salad; and potato salad; a large Scotcheroo that was A...MAZ...ING!  3 Corona Lites with a lime.

Later that evening we went to Sharky's bar in Venice and I enjoyed a Bushwacker.  It is a frozen drink with Cream de Cacao, black rum, cream of coconut, and Kahlua coffee liqueur.  It was good, but I was still so tired.  I went home after this drink and everybody else continued on.  I know...I'm being a buzz kill, but I was exhausted!

Monday, March 12

Breakfast:  Frosted Mini Wheat Fruit in the Middle cereal; fresh blueberries, almond milk, and coffee

Lunch:  Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Snack:  Apple Pie Lara Bar

Appetizer before dinner:  Laid out was a spread of crab dip and crab cheese spread.  It was all served with crackers.  A perfect beginning to a great dinner later.

Dinner:  Sarasota Ale House in Sarasota, Florida - I ordered Mahi Mahi with veggies and potatoes.  It was mixed with a bit of Tabasco that honestly I couldn't even taste and I'm assuming a bit of olive oil to help with the cooking.  It was good and healthy:)  During dinner, I had 4 MGD 64's.  Low cal and basically drinking water, but I like them and would've had 3, but my sis, Becky, insisted that I'm on vacation afterall.

Tuesday, March 13th

I woke up and ran for 55 minutes which was about 5 miles or so, because I had to make a stop during my run.  Venice is a great place to run because they have lots of streets and sidewalks that are pedestrian friendly.  Venice is obviously a retirement community because, I did not come across another person under the age of 75.  One guy was running and the others were out for their morning stroll.  Wade and my dad golfed and they commented that they golfed with a bunch of older retirees.  Even my dad felt young and the age at 72, even though he looks 62.  Oh, and Wade got to golf with Bob, Bob, and Bob.  Lucky for him, when one of them had a great shot, Wade was safe to say, "Nice shot, Bob!"

Breakfast:  OK, getting off track here.  I got home and had a banana, mixed up Special K cereal and Special K Fruit 'n Yogurt cereal; fresh blueberries; almond milk; and coffee.

Lunch:  Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Snack:  2 Twizzlers;  I forgot to mention that we've been at the beach everyday and I'm only drinking my drink concoction of sparkling lime water and Coconut La Croix.  I think it was about a month ago I was pretending I was on the beach drinking I really am!

Later snack:  6 Almond Pops with blueberries

Before dinner drinks at the house:  I had 2 spiked Arnold Palmer's which consisted of sweet tea vodka with Minute Maid Light Lemonade.  Yes, I KNOW, light lemonade has Aspartame.  UGH!  I just can't get myself drinking soda drinks with calories.  JUST CAN'T DO IT!  Which is why I drink tons of sparkling water which I figure is a BONUS!

Dinner:  In June, my parents are celebrating their 40th anniversary and my mom is turning 60.  We took them out for an early celebration at Luna Ristorante in Venice.  I called our property manager a week ago asking for a dinner recommendation.  This place was PERFECT!  And I splurged!!!  Consumed by me was 3 pieces of bread with this amazing spicy cherry pepper spread; antipasto salad; fried calamari; lasagna; spaghetti; 1/3 of a meatball; eggplant parmesan; veal parmesan; and 4 little mint dark chocolate pieces the size of M&M's.  The food was served family style so I had a little bit of every dish.  I drank water throughout dinner

Evening snack:  Water and popcorn while playing Scrabble and watching Bridesmaids.  That movie will never get old.  Love it!

Wednesday, March 14

Breakfast:  Mixed cereals Special K and Fruit 'n Yogurt Special K; fresh blueberries; almond milk; coffee

I'll check back with you all later on the rest of my food journaling, but I want to leave you with what I didn't practice what I preach.

I always tell my clients that taking measurements is a great way to see your progress.  Often times, they comment that they haven't lost a pound but their clothes fit better.  They lose body fat, increase their muscle mass, and lose inches even though maybe pounds haven't been lost.  Well, guess what?  I should've taken my own measurements before I took on this 49 food journal challenge.  This past Sunday was my last day, and I WISH I would've taken my body fat and circumference measurements.  I can't believe I didn't do it.  I weighed myself and that's it.

In November, I changed up my workouts drastically.  From early November to the beginning of my food journaling in mid-January, I lost 3 pounds.  It the 49 days of food journaling coupled with the exercise, I lost an additional 8 pounds.  Hello????!!!!!  I've said it once and I'll say it must change your diet if you want to change your body.  A quote I found read, "80% of your abs are made in the kitchen, and 20% of your abs are made in the gym."  Well, after this experience, I found my abs again.  I'll share the other amazing benefits later.  Back to the pool...

Later, y'all!

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