Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wisconsin and Iowa fun! Summer drinking:)

I left you with after dinner on Tuesday, July 31st!  Whoa...I've been busy, and lucky enough I've been keeping track on my phones notes.  Writing this out now is going to look like a lot!

So, I had dinner on the 31st, then ran with some friends.  Afterwards, we went out for a couple beers.  I had 2 Leine's Summer Shandys.

Wednesday, August 1st

Breakfast:  Kashi Blueberry Cluster cereal; frozen blueberries; almond milk; coffee

Lunch:  We ate at Potbelly.  I had a Hammie and Swiss Sandwich and salt and vinegar potato chips.  The Hammie's have less bread in them which lowers the calories.  Ice water

Snack:  Our new neighbors surprised me with two humongous cucumbers, and ginormous zucchini, and a jalapeno pepper.  All won't go wasted here!  I sliced one of the cucumbers and mixed it with vinegar, water, a bit of sugar, and pepper.  You let them sit in the fridge, and voila!, you have a great snack.  So, snack was cucumbers and a banana.  After writing this, the combo does not sound appetizing.  It was still good!

Workout:  Jen kicked my ass in TRX class.  Thanks, Jen!

Dinner:  Turkey burger with a whole wheat bun a sweet potato fries at Pint's.  I drank a 1/2 of an iced tea, and my son decided to take the other half and make it disgusting by adding pickle juice.  He "said" it was good, but I think he just didn't want to admit that it was gross.

Thursday, August 2nd

Breakfast:  Kashi GoLean Triple Berry Crumble cereal; frozen blueberries; almond milk; coffee with non-fat creamer

Lunch:  A friend of mine went to Chow and bought 3 amazing salads.  One was chicken salad, another kale salad, and the third was just simply fantastic too.  She had these Skinny Girl Pina Colada's so I had one of those, plus a Leine's Berry Weis.

Dinner:  A friend of mine from out of town came in with her kids, so we had friends over to see them.  We had pizza (3 square pieces for me), ramen noodle salad that is to die for!, blueberries and raspberries.  I enjoyed a Sweet Tea Vodka with Lemonade and a couple Summer Shandy's.  Yikes, I'm sounding like quite the social drinker on this post!

Friday, August 3rd

Breakfast:  Kashi GoLean Triple Berry Crumble cereal; frozen blueberries; almonmilk

Lunch:  Carrot Cake LaraBar and a piece of pizza; water (OK, good THEN bad!)

Snacks:  We went up to Wisconsin to visit friends and she always has fantastic snacks.  When we got there, I had cantaloupe, strawberries, cheese and crackers.

Dinner:  I brought up dinner to share with everyone.  It was Baked Spaghetti (recipe on an earlier post); garlic bread; and a lite Cesaer salad.

Drinks:  Summer Shandys

Saturday, August 4th

Breakfast:  I made Monkey Bread that ended up spilling all over the bottom of my friend's oven.  Yes, I'm a fantastic house guest.  BUT, it was a blessing in disguise, because she learned how to clean her oven and it sparkled after the cleaning...HA and PHEW all at the same time.  Yes, it stunk like burnt food for a while, but I was so relieved that it cleaned up.  So, I ate way too much monkey bread and had some cantaloupe.

BUT, I must say that a lot of the mixture you put on the top of the biscuits found its way to the bottom of the oven (ummmm, hellooooo less calories!), but it was still moist and tasted good - even though some of the biscuits needed to be microwaved to finish the cooking process.  It was completely eaten, however, I'd still consider this a fail...ugh!

Snacks:  Cheese; crackers; hummus

Drinks:  1 Miller Lite, water, and 3 Summer Shandy's (THIS IS SUMMER PEOPLE, and I WAS ON A LAKE!)

More snacks before dinner:  Chips and Guacamole; cheese and crackers

Dinner:  This dinner was fabulous!  I had 1 slice of a pork tenderloin; brussel sprouts; corn on the cob; cheesy potatoes; grilled potatoes; ramen noodle salad; and a chocolate chip cookie.  I was DONE!

Drinks:  We went to a couple bars to have some drinks.  The first bar I had a shot (no arm twisting) and I can't remember what it was called.  I also had 2 Coors Lights. 

The second bar we had the honor of watching a bachelorette/bachelor party which was a complete train wreck.  These people were ridiculously intoxicated and could barely look at you in the eye when they talked to you.  The bride and groom were smashed so you certainly could not get an idea of who they were in real life.  However, I will admit the groom hit on me while we were there, and my husband was laughing so hard.  He knows I can handle myself, and I certainly didn't need the "wall of Wade" to get in the way.  God knows what would've ensued.  HA!

My girlfriend asked the groom if it was a good idea to get married in a couple weeks.  He didn't answer her, but WOW, we were glad they left and I can't believe their party was heading'd think they were done, BUT we are in Wisconsin after all.  I had a couple Coors Lights at this bar too.
Just in case you were wondering...

Late Dinner Snack:  CRAP I decided to have an Oatmeal Raisin cookie and a 1/2 chocolate chip cookie.

Sunday, August 5th

Breakfast:  The firemen in the town we were at had a breakfast.  I had one pancake, one piece of french toast, and one sausage.

Dinner:  We went to Culver's on our way home and I had a Garden Fresco salad with a little raspberry vinaigrette dressing and since I had a light salad, I treated myself to a Turtle Cheesecake ice cream cone.  Now that I'm typing this...I think I had enough "treats" the night before.

LONG RUN:  Yes, I got home and I ran 12 miles.  OK, that ice cream cone was not so bad after all.

Dinner:  A piece of string cheese, Kashi GoLean Triple Berry Crumble Cereal; frozen blueberries; almond milk; water

Monday, August 6th

Breakfast:  Look at dinner from last night and omit the string cheese

Snack:  I had a meeting at Elijah's and instead of a coffee I had this Blueberry Pomegranate smoothie with antioxidants.  The color of the smoothie was black...looked gross...but it is so good!

Lunch:  2 egg whites; 1 whole egg; skim milk; veggies; ham; cheese - all mixed together in scrambles eggs.

Snack:  I treated myself to a banana with chocolate hazelnut butter.  It wasn't nutella and not as good as Nutella, but still good.

Dinner:  Marco's last summer hockey session was this evening and we went to Mama Maria's (the one on North York Rd.) for dinner as a celebration.  This place DOES NOT get the credit it deserves!  WOW - so fantastic!  I had a couple pieces of bread with olive oil and Parmesan; I shared a antipasti salad with a friend as well as split a plate of stuffed gnocchi.  AMAZING!  Lastly, my husband was talking about how spicy the jalapenos were on his pizza, so I had to try a piece.  HOLY SMOKES - steam was going out my ears.  It was so hot and the ice tea I was drinking was not helping the situation.  I had a small corner piece of pizza without those damn peppers to help cool me down.  If you like super hot jalapenos - then Mamma Maria's is the place you should go.

Tuesday, August 7th (This is teaching me to blog more often as I feel like I've been typing forever, plus it's harder to write all this food down!)

Breakfast:  Same as breakfast yesterday...yada, yada, yada...

Workout:  4 mile run

Lunch:  Marinated Cucumbers (recipe above); a banana with that fake Nutella

Snack:  I drove to Iowa to visit a great friend in from Australia.  It was so awesome seeing her!  She looked fabulous, hasn't changed a bit, and our conversation at our table of 5 was incredible.  But, before I talk about that, I did have a snack at my parent's place before I headed out to meet her.  I had some cashews and almonds with chocolate covered raisin.  Just enough to get me through to dinner.

Dinner: We went to Champp's in Dubuque. They did not have Summer Shandy, but had Shock Top. This beer is so good! In fact, I had 2 big ones and a small one at dinner. I also ordered this great chopped salad with chicken, lettuce, feta cheese, walnuts, cranberries, and apples. No need for dressing. This salad was perfect AS IS!

A post dinner picture.

Wednesday, August 8th

Breakfast:   I was still at my parent's house and I had Special K Red Berries cereal with skim milk.

Lunch:  The kids and I went to Subway and I had a 6 inch on wheat turkey with a ton of veggies and yellow mustard.  I also had harvest chedder sun chips and an iced tea.

Snack:  I had a few spoonfuls of that damn fake Nutella!

Dinner:  2 pieces of leftover pizza followed by a 6 mile run.

Thursday, August 9th

Breakfast:  Mixed both Kashi cereals together with frozen blueberries and almond milk.

Lunch:  2 egg white and 1 egg scrambled eggs with red pepper, yellow pepper, mushrooms, onions, spinach, and cheese.  So good!  While my eggs were cooking, I had a piece of celery with peanut butter.

Note to self:  After writing this out, maybe I should eat more fruit.

All caught up!  Bears pre-season opener tonight!  Get ready for fall, cooler temps, and football!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog! Glad to know your human and eat/drink like the rest of us ;)
