Monday, August 27, 2012

Tough Mudder Anxiety & a NEW OVEN!

Finishing up Thursday, August 21st

Dinner:  Turkey burger on a bun and 2 dark chocolate granola thins

Evening Run:  4 miles and the last mile was with heartburn that hurt like heck.  Sidelined me at the end and have never had that happen before.  I blame it on the above meal.  After the run, we met at Tannin's for a glass of red wine.

Wednesday, August 22nd

Breakfast:  Frosted Mini Wheats; frozen blueberries; almond milk

Lunch:  Green Monster smoothie

Snack:  Blueberry Muffin LaraBar and an apple

Dinner:  Tilapia; spinach salad with tomatoes, feta cheese, cranberries, candied walnuts, and strawberry vinaigrette dressing.  A few pieces of veggie booty and also a few pieces of pirate's booty.  For dessert, I had 2 granola thins, but also had a couple spoonfuls of my kid's ice cream.  One likes peppermint ice cream and the other is Caribou Caramel.

Thursday, August 23rd

Breakfast:  Oatfit Oatmeal (Cinnamon Roll) and a banana; coffee

Snack:  Apple and a Peanut Butter Gu Gel

Run:  8.5 miles in 91 degree heat...NOT fun.

Post-run snack:  Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich

Dinner:  WE BOUGHT AN OVEN...but it's not hooked up yet.  But when it is...I'll have other foods to make and I'm so excited.  My son is most excited about baking cookies and so am I!  So last night we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and I had 4 hot bbq wings and buffalo chips with cheese.  I also polished off the rest of my daughter's fries.  Iced Tea

Friday, August 24th

Breakfast:  Kashi GoLean; frozen blueberries; almond milk; coffee

Lunch:  Ham and Cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread; veggie booty

Snack:  Blueberry Muffin LaraBar

Dinner:  We went to Pazzi di Pizza in Elmhurst.  I had a 2 beers at dinner, split an Orto salad 4 ways, and also split a pizza 4 ways.  I had one piece of bread before dinner and had some fried calamari.  We went to Pints afterwards and I had a Summer Shandy and water.

Late night snack:  I had a piece of leftover pizza.  Whoops!

Saturday, August 25th

Breakfast:  Kashi GoLean Cereal, frozen blueberries; almond milk

Lunch:  Ham and Cheese sandwich; pirate booty; apple; milk

Dinner:  We went to a really fun Luau and had Hawaiian food.  A chicken and rice dish and a meatball and rice dish.  We also had ramen noodle salad.  For drinks I had 2 mixers and 3 beers.  Before we left we heard a rumor that there were awesome cheeseburgers so I ate one of those along with a couple awesome desserts and a 1/2 brownie.  Stick a fork in me!

Sunday, August 26th

Breakfast:  OatFit Oatmeal

LONG RUN and it FELT GREAT! - 17 miles; It rained probably 15 of the 17 joke.
Yep, I'm a dork and had my pic taken.  I was a wet mess.
Lunch:  PB&J, peaches mixed with cottage cheese, and milk
Dinner:  We had the Tough Mudder crew over for a pre-race pow wow.  We checked out the ridiculously hard obstacles we will overcome during the 11 miles of torture (I mean, fun!)  Later that night, I read a review and the guy talked about a surprise obstacle they had on the course.  Check this obviously during this race we will have scrapes and cuts on ourselves.  Well, apparently, during his race the surprise obstacle was a pit of habanero peppers that people have to jump in.  Add that to cuts and scrapes and holy wowza!  That's gonna sting and burn like a mutha!  I believe that sounds worse than the electric shock therapy obstacle we may also endure.  This is gonna be interesting!  That will be a great blog to post for sure!
I had 3 pieces of pizza; tomato salad; pita chips and hummus; a few tortilla chips and salsa; 1 piece of zucchini bread, and some great Trader Joe's desserts.  I drank 1 Leine's Summer Shandy.
The Girls who will be Tough Mudding in a couple weeks!
Monday, August 27th
Breakfast:  OatFit Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal; coffee with the fixin's
Workout:  I taught Tabata Boot Camp today and did the workout with a friend (and client)!
Lunch:  A seafood 'n crab salad with veggies, spices, and a bit of oil and vinegar; green tea
Snack:  Apple
Dinner:  Have I mentioned that I got a new oven!!!!  Yes, Halleluia!  I made a pork 'n pasta dish this evening that was great.  I found the recipe in a comfort food cookbook I own.  I was born and raised in Iowa, so comfort food is must in this house:)
Here you's got some great recipes!
So I ate the pork dish, made a lettuce, spinach, and kale salad (cranberries, candied walnuts, golden tomato slices, mango chipotle dressing) and had a glass of milk.  The darn desserts were leftover from last night, so of course, I had dessert and a couple bites of Caramel Caribou ice cream.
Alrighty, I went over the 4 weeks I promised.  I'll continue to post a few days here and there and will also include a few more of my workouts as well!  Keep journaling if it's working for you!

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