Monday, January 30, 2012

Inspired by my boot camp girls!

Forgot 2 more things I learned during the seminar from Saturday and I for sure wanted to share. First, for every fruit you consume, you should eat 2 veggies. Secondly, if you are going to a party (say a Super Bowl party this weekend) and you are nervous about all of the food, feel free to bring something to share that you know you can eat. That way you won't be "that person" who doesn't eat all night, or "that person" who can't stop eating everything because you just gave up on the whole food journal thing for that night. HOWEVER, if you do, please remember that tomorrow is another day.

Dinner from the night before: An appropriate serving size of pasta with turkey burger pasta sauce, green beans, and a low fat crescent roll that I put a small amount of cojack cheese in before I rolled it up. I wanted 2 of those so bad!

January 30th

Boot Camp Talk:
So today started the early morning session of boot camp. I explained the food journal challenge, handed out the journals, weighed the girls in, and they did a great job during their workout. I was so excited to see the girls take on the challenge! I will be rooting them on along the way for sure!

Then, I had the mid-morning boot camp. Another great workout! Afterwards, they wanted their food journals, and I explained to them that their challenge will start at the end of February since that was when the next session would begin.  They wanted their journals now.  Of course I gave them a journal and I LOVED IT!  Some even mentioned they had a great breakfast that morning and wanted to get it written down.  Don't think I didn't get a little itty bitty choked up after they left the studio.  :-)

Breakfast: Coffee with the Almond Joy creamer and a bit of sugar, Special K with Berries, Almond Milk, and Frozen Wild Blueberries (BTW, I buy these at Costco and they are so much cheaper!)

Morning Snack: Blueberry Lara Bar

Early Afternoon Workout: 65 minutes total
2 mile warm up run (I call them runs...never call them jogs)

30 minute internal training including weights
run 1 minute
high knees 1 minute
skaters holding medicine ball 1 minute
plank row to rotation (raise straight arm up to ceiling holding weight) 1 minute
single leg dead lift with shoulder press 1 minute each leg
single arm plank rows 1 minute
squat jumps 30 seconds
2 feet side hops 15 secs each side
Squat with bicep curls 1 minute
burpees with push up 2 minutes (OMG!)
froggers to sumo squat 1 minute
reverse lunge with shoulder press 2 minutes
suitcase ab crunches 1 minute
plank row to rotation 1 minute
single leg deadlift to shoulder press 1 minute each leg
single arm plank rows 1 minute
squat jumps 30 seconds
2 feet plank side hops 15 seconds each side
squat with bicep curls 1 minute
burpees to push up 1 minute (Not as long this time:)
frogger to sumo squat 1 minute
reverse lunge with overhead press 1 minute
suitcase ab crunches 1 minute
front plank 1 minute
side plank with tiny hip dips 30 seconds each side
v sit 1 minute

Bike 10 minutes - 6 minutes low intensity and a 4 minute Tabata that put the cherry on top. My legs were shaking!

For more info on Tabatas:

Late Dinner UGH! I mean Lunch: You must know that in Iowa, lunch is dinner and dinner is supper, and I don't care if I've lived in the Chicago suburbs for 15 years, I WILL STILL MIX IT UP! (2:00 pm): Medium Sweet Potato with non-fat cottage cheese, apple and peanut butter, coconut water.


Stuffed Peppers which had quinoa instead of rice (My family are guinea pigs to the quinoa, and my daughter has already given the thumbs down.  The jury is still out on the rest of the fam.  They are not home yet.).  A glass of skim milk.  I halved the peppers and ate one and the other half of my daughter's.  So that's 3/4 of a pepper filled with turkey burger, veggies, beans, and quinoa topped with a little cheese.  Aside from having to get used to the nutty consistancy, I thought they were good.

We'll see how tonight goes, but my plan is to be good!

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