Friday, July 27, 2012

A little thing I do to make peanut butter a bit healthier.

I left you after I finished up lunch on Tuesday.

Dinner:  My family was gone and I was by myself (how sweet it is!), so I got home around 4:30 and I was going to lay around and make myself a turkey burger.  YUM!  HOWEVER, I get a text from my friend who cuts my hair at 5:10 asking if my haircut was 5 or 5:30 that day.  CRAP!  She rescheduled that morning and I told her I'd be there by 5:00.  UGH!  The George Foreman was a fired up with my turkey burger ready to be cooked up.  No can do now.  Worse yet, I had a class to teach at 6:30 so it was prepare something now, or starve during class.  I made myself a PB&J and headed out for the much needed haircut.  I hate when I don't put appointments on my phone calendar...and also forget to set the alert.  I mean...I did just reschedule this appointment that same morning.  Short term memory loss for sure!

I taught a Tabata Boot Camp after the haircut, and I brought the group outside because it was under 95 degrees.  Who would've thought that would've seemed cool?  There was a breeze and made it feel 90.  Woohoo!

Evening Snacks:  I mixed peaches in lite syrup with nonfat cottage cheese when I got home and then also made some popcorn later.  Throughout the day, I drank lots of my water concoction - sparkling key lime water with coconut La Croix.  So good!

Wednesday, July 25th

Breakfast:  I had a few squares of Frosted Mini Wheats left, so I mixed that with Special K with Berries Cereal.  Added some frozen blueberries to keep the Almond Milk cold, not to mention the added benefit of the blueberries.  The blueberries have 3 huge benefits:  super healthy, super yummy, and keep the milk super cold.  Now I cringe when I eat cereal without them because I feel like I'm eating luke warm cereal.  I also had coffee with the Cinnabon creamer.

Lunch:  A turkey and cojack cheese sandwich with Brownberry Wheat bread with a light layer of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spread.  I also cooked up some baby spinach in a bit of olive oil.  I'll be honest, I don't know if I would've made the spinach if I wasn't keeping this journal.  Also, when you cook spinach, grab about twice what you think you need.  SERIOUSLY, that stuff cooks up and it looks like nothing when you're done.  Water.

Snack:  Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bar and some watermelon

Workout:  After my snack I went to workout.  I ran 4 miles on the treadmill, and then headed to the free weights.  I love free weights!  They are way more functional than sitting on a machine, and they force your body to work several muscle groups, not just one.

3 sets of everything and I always practice active recovery.  You'll never see me sitting around doing nothing.  When I complete a set of anything, I'll go right into another set of something else while the muscle group I worked on before is resting.  ACTIVE RECOVERY = TIME MANAGEMENT!  You'll get out of the gym much quicker when you practice active recovery.  Who has time to give yourself 15-30 seconds between sets?  I don't!

 (OK, just read this over to edit and noticed I wrote "everything", "nothing", "anything", and "something" in a total of 3 sentences, and I'm not fixing it cause I think it's funny.)

Concentrated Bicep Curls
Calf Raises
Tricep Dips

Chest Flys
Squats with dumbbell wood chops
Plank with dumbbell back rows

Finished up with a bunch of core action that concentrated on every single core muscle.

Workout lasted about an hour and 10 minutes.

Dinner:  Another PB&J...I needed something quick because I had to get out of the house to teach TRX and Dude's Training.  I really like Costco's Kirkland All Natural Peanut Butter.  When you open a new jar, you'll see oil sitting at the top that you're supposed to mix up.  I use a spoon and get it out.  Yes, by the time you get to the bottom of the jar, it's not very moist, but I'm guessing I got a heck of a lot of fat and calories out of the jar by taking that first step.  Plus, it tastes just as good in my opinion.

After work, I went home to change and head to a friend's house.  I had some watermelon and ate a white peach on the way there.  While there I had 2 1/2 Coors Lights while enjoying great conversation with friends I hadn't been able to hang out with in a while.  So nice:)

Thursday, July 26th

Breakfast:  Special K with Berries, Almond Milk, and Frozen Blueberries.  Coffee with Cinnabon creamer.

Lunch:  Lettuce salad with ham, cheese, and strawberry/balsamic vinaigrette dressing and a banana.

Snack:  Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte LaraBar - Wow!  So good!

Dinner:  I went to Pizza di Pazzi in Elmhurst for a delicious meal with great company.  They had $5 dollar Martini's so OF COURSE I HAD TO HAVE 2 extra dirty Ketel One Martinis with 2 blue cheese olives.  I had 2 pieces of bread with Parmesan and olive oil, and I split the Orto salad with a friend and also split a chicken dish with her as well.  The meal was fabulous!

Post-Dinner Fun:  After dinner we headed across the street to Pints.  There I had a Oberon Sky Beer and a Miller Lite.

Then the dreaded I'M-HUNGRY-SO-I MAKE-A-BAD-DECISION-WHEN-I-GET-HOME-SNACK!!!! - I made s'mores!  What?!  Well, they were good and all you gotta do is soften the marshmallows in the microwave.  Ugh!!!

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