Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Day Food Intake!

Happy Black Friday!  Or is it so "HAPPY"?

So it's Black Friday, and yes, I stay as far away from the stores as possible.  I've got my Christmas list all written out in my head and will probably do a little online shopping later today.  I just cannot imagine waiting in line for hours to get a deal.  On the other hand, maybe Wade would like me to get a deal every now and then!

Thanksgiving Day Food Journal

Breakfast:  Kashi Go Lean Cereal with frozen mixed fruit (blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries); almond milk; coffee with the fixin's.  The cereal is not very tasty so it definitely needs to be doctored up with berries.  I splurged at Costco and bought the frozen mixed fruit instead of my typical frozen blueberries, and it is sooo good.

Dan Gibbons Turkey Trot

Our family ran our first turkey trot together.  My trots have been sporadic over the years due to just giving birth, having a 1 year old when it's freezing, or getting a turkey in the oven on time.  Well this year, I hosted Thanksgiving for the 3rd year in a row, BUT nothing was going to stop me from a family turkey trot!  Wade followed Marco and the other boys and dads, and Talia and I trot/walked the 5k.  I was super proud of the kids!  My daughter made to sure to stop at all the donut hole stops and water stops.  She was well hydrated and thought it was so cool that it was her "first race" ever.  The kids kept their bib numbers and we'll be sure to get them in a scrapbook someday.  Yeah, those and the other years of memorabilia that's been piling up.  Thank goodness, Grandma and Grandpa bought the kids the file cabinets to help organize the papers and projects!

Lunch:  Ham and co-jack cheese on wheat bread with a bit of light miracle whip dressing

Pre-Dinner:  I made this super easy appetizer that is so good.  It's a block of light cream cheese topped with fancy jam.  For this one I chose the Hot Jalapeno Jelly from Jewel.  You can dip all kinds of cracker into it...I chose Triscuits.  Oh, and I had a beer while food preparation was happening.

Dinner:  Turkey, mashed potatoes (potatoes, cream cheese, sour cream, chives, butter, and sprinkled with paprika), asparagus (cooked in brown sugar, margarine, and chicken broth), salad (kiwi, raspberries, mixed greens, green onions, and poppy seed dressing); dinner roll; stuffing (carrots, celery, stuffing bread cut into cubes, chicken broth); green bean casserole; cranberry jelly in a can; water.  I should've taken a picture of my plate.  Most were small servings except the potatoes, and I did have a small second helping of stuffing.  Speaking of stuffing...I was stuffed!

Clean-up:  Yes, during clean up, I did enjoy a couple crackers with the jelly/cream cheese spread.  I didn't get much to enjoy due to meal preparation earlier.

Dessert:  3 desserts were brought by Wade's aunt:  a pumpkin pie, minced meat pie (last year I found out that it really has no meat in it!), and apple slices (more like apple pie, but in a bar kind of form instead).  In typical Jill fashion, I took a small slice of all 3.  Now I am officially full!  Oy vey!

Black Friday

Breakfast:  Kashi Go Lean Cereal with frozen berries; coffee with the fixin's (fixin's include only the sugar free french vanilla creamer)

$5 Holiday Special Class:  This morning at FITT-RX, we had 2 classes at the holiday special rate.  We are in the process of planning our December calendar, so be sure to keep an eye out for these great classes at an awesome price!

Lunch:  A few pieces of leftover turkey, and yes, I do not heat it up in the microwave.  Microwaved poultry grosses me out.  It takes on a completely different taste that is disgusting.

Enjoy the rest of your Holiday weekend!  Take a moment and think about all that you are thankful for if you haven't already done so!

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